The world is changing and if you don't change with it you could be left behind. Take a look around you- Local is IN. Seasonal is IN. Serving food obtained from national produce distributors is OUT!
The growing awareness (especially in Nevada County) is phenomenal, of the dangers of hormones, antibiotics, GMO, herbicides, and pesticides. They are also now aware of the silly sustainability of trucking in beef from OHIO when several local and superior ranches can fulfill the need. Yet despite this only a handful of restaurants have understood the populations mandate which screams "we want fresh, wholesome, ethical, local food".
They are- forgive me if I am missing any
New Moon
Simplicity Bistro
Both Jernigan's and Simplicity Bistro are welcome newcomers to this list and they will thrive when word gets out that they use Niman Ranch beef for their burgers (Jernigan's), while charging the SAME as Tofenelli's crappy CAFO beef burgers. Or that only Organic produce will be found in a in Simplicity Bistro's Ceasar salad compared to Cirino's Ceasar Salad while the latter charges a whopping 3 dollars more.
It's not just a matter of economic and environmental ethics. It's a matter of taste. When people make a habit of eating quality food at home they can TASTE the junk that doesn't belong in food. They can taste if the dressing came out of a bottle full of preservatives, and if the beef is from drugged cattle. Their taste buds have learned to appreciate FOOD!
Basically I'm saying that cheap processed ingredients served in restaurants trying to pass themselves off as "fine dining" will alienate those who know the difference. Conversely, eateries committed to fresh local quality will only impress and earn the loyalty of those same folks- and please don't underestimate what that market segment can mean to you and your bottom line.
Yet despite this truth, some of you restaurants just sit on on your laurels- You might offer the patio and ambience to attract a constant stream of tourists, or perhaps your regulars are old school folks who think that the organic phenomenon is just "marketing to sell food at higher prices". If so, you will probably remain successful for a time, yet it's a shame because you have an opportunity to do better! YOU can support Nevada County Beef, or Four Frog Farm, or Chaffin Family Orchards, and YOU will create opportunities for them to thrive and keep employees-who will now have the dough to eat in your restaurant. YOU can be the one tourists will go home rave about sending future tourists in a beeline your direction. And I really believe YOU will make more money in the long run.
By doing this you will add a very loyal and committed group of foodies to your regulars- Food activists who TALK to each other every time they are impressed and who will chose you over your competition because it makes them feel good inside to support those who support their neighbors and who cook with a code.
If you refuse to switch because you are concerned about cost, create a smaller yet BETTER menu! this will save on labor expenses and on the cost of waste. Transfer the savings to quality food. Additionally, you will have less opportunities for your servers and cooks to "mess up" an order cutting down on dissatisfaction and food returns, and again- assuring customer loyalty.
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